5ks for Clara - Colorado


Although it was warmer in Boulder than it was in Cheyenne, it was still a chilly morning at the Colder Bolder 5k in Boulder, Colorado. We did not have to drive far for this run but we still wanted to run for Clara in our home state.

There were hundreds and hundreds of runners at this event and although we were all running for different reasons, it was wonderful to see so many people coming together to run for their own "why." Of course, our reason and "why" was Clara and I was happy to have a little picture-button of her pinned to my sweatshirt. 

On the course, there was a woman racing in her wheelchair and I thought so much about Clara and how she loved being pushed on walks and jogs in her wheelchair. It's hard and I miss her more than can be expressed in any language, but I know there will be many celestial and heavenly marathons, 10ks and 5ks in the life to come where Clara can run freely by our sides.

We loved having my sister, Bobbie, and her husband, Bryan, run this race with us and honor Clara's life as well.  After the race, we all enjoyed breakfast, Christmas music, and time with Santa.

We look forward to running our next 5K in New Mexico soon!! Stay tuned :) 


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