5Ks for Clara - California


California was our ninth state in our 5K for Clara series. This 5K was called the Cat in the Hat 5K and it is an annual race here in Long Beach, California. There were several individuals dressed up as  Thing 1 & Thing 2, which added a fun touch to the race vibe! This was the perfect race for Clara, as she loved for me to read her Doctor Suess books when she was young; her favorites being Fox in Socks and Ten Apples on Top. 

It was a cool morning with some wind and yes, we did get some light rain but it actually felt really good. The sidewalk flanked the beach, making this one of the more breathtaking runs we have done! 

At the finish line, I had Josh (who beat his Dad in this race!!) and Dave cheering me through the finish line. We stood next to the photographer toward the finish line while waiting for Luke. The photographer was a sweet lady with a German accent. Dave asked her where she was from and she said, "Austria." Dave then asked jokingly if she knew Arnold Schwarzenegger. She causally responded, "Yes, I toured with him while he was on campaign." How cool!! We love the different people we get to meet while on this adventure.

Overall, California, was not only our 9th race, but our Spring Break vacation. We had so much fun at Universal Studios, Hollywood Walk of Fame, Playa Provisions, Huntington Beach, and Long Beach. We will miss you California!!!

Mixed with our own pictures below are also the ones taken by the kind, High Tide Runs photographer. Enjoy!

Next up: Idaho!!!


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