5Ks for Clara Lynn


Why I Run

On March 26, 2004, Clara Lynn was born early at 24 weeks gestation. My doctor confirmed that her early birth was due to a condition I had called cervical insufficiency. Without my knowing, Clara was beginning to drop at just 22 weeks. I was rushed to the hospital and for almost 7 days, the medical staff tried to prevent such an early birth. However, when Clara was halfway in the birth canal, feet first, she had to be delivered via C-section.

Clara’s early birth marked the beginning of a medically complicated journey for her. She fought and defeated so many obstacles, health conditions, and limitations. At 18 years old, her body had been through so much that she physically was unable to defeat the respiratory illness which took her life. Her precious life was such a gift to our family and all who knew her. She is missed incredibly and always will be.

I am running 5Ks in 50 states for Clara - to celebrate all the finish lines she crossed during her life. I’m also running to raise awareness for infant prematurity, cerebral palsy, GI diseases and disorders, and restrictive lung disease, all of which, compounded, were causes of Clara’s shortened life.


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