
Showing posts from December, 2022

5ks for Clara - Colorado

  Although it was warmer in Boulder than it was in Cheyenne, it was still a chilly morning at the Colder Bolder 5k in Boulder, Colorado. We did not have to drive far for this run but we still wanted to run for Clara in our home state. There were hundreds and hundreds of runners at this event and although we were all running for different reasons, it was wonderful to see so many people coming together to run for their own "why." Of course, our reason and "why" was Clara and I was happy to have a little picture-button of her pinned to my sweatshirt.  On the course, there was a woman racing in her wheelchair and I thought so much about Clara and how she loved being pushed on walks and jogs in her wheelchair. It's hard and I miss her more than can be expressed in any language, but I know there will be many celestial and heavenly marathons, 10ks and 5ks in the life to come where Clara can run freely by our sides. We loved having my sister, Bobbie, and her husband, Br

5ks For Clara - Wyoming

  Jingle Bell Jaunt 5K in Cheyenne, Wyoming It was 15 degrees in Wyoming when we crossed the border yesterday morning. Prior to the 5K, the sun came out and warmed us to about 25 degrees, but the air was still quite frigid!  Although this was the smallest 5K I had ever been to in all of my years of running (8-10 runners present in all), we were grateful to share our story with several of the people in that small gathering. A speech pathologist from the area ran with Dave and I initially, and I was able to share with her the way Clara communicated and the device that she used.  After the race, we again visited with the other participants and the race staff while warming up with some hot chocolate. Proceeds for this Jingle Bell Jaunt 5K went to the Cheyenne After Hours Rotary Club.  Well, Wyoming is a wrap! Next up is Colorado in the Colder Boulder 5K December 10.

5Ks for Clara Lynn

  Why I Run On March 26, 2004, Clara Lynn was born early at 24 weeks gestation. My doctor confirmed that her early birth was due to a condition I had called cervical insufficiency. Without my knowing, Clara was beginning to drop at just 22 weeks. I was rushed to the hospital and for almost 7 days, the medical staff tried to prevent such an early birth. However, when Clara was halfway in the birth canal, feet first, she had to be delivered via C-section. Clara’s early birth marked the beginning of a medically complicated journey for her. She fought and defeated so many obstacles, health conditions, and limitations. At 18 years old, her body had been through so much that she physically was unable to defeat the respiratory illness which took her life. Her precious life was such a gift to our family and all who knew her. She is missed incredibly and always will be. I am running 5Ks in 50 states for Clara - to celebrate all the finish lines she crossed during her life. I’m also running