
Showing posts from February, 2024

5Ks for Clara - Utah

        I registered for the Snow Stomp 5K in Salt Lake City, Utah for our eighth 5K for Clara. Little did I realize that it was a 5K in the mountains on a snow-covered trail, and intentionally so! They really wanted us to stomp snow! Thankfully, I had my Yaktrax! Some individuals were running in snowshoes. With our 5Ks for Clara shirts/hoodies donned, we started the race uphill. Dave took off at a fast pace, really hoping to place in his age group. I ran at a more careful pace, not wanting to slip on the ice. While running up the trail, we passed many cross-country skiers as well as hikers all decked out in snow bibs and hiking shoes with ice spikes. It was a beautiful morning for all of us on the mountain. At the finish line, Dave had several of his family members waiting for us. We were so grateful to have Dave's stepmom, Karen, brother John, and brother Stewart with his wife Kristine, and adorable son Peter support us. It was so cute to hear our little nephew cheering loudly fo